The Impact of Vaping on the Oral Microbiome: A Comprehensive Review of Bacterial Effects


  • Afsheen Maqsood Bahria University Dental College, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Daud Mirza Bahria University Dental College, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Seema Ashraf Technical Advisor and Public Analyst, Sindh Food Authority, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Sarwat Jahan Faculty of Pharmacy, Karachi University, Pakistan


Oral bacteria, Vaping, Smoking, Oral Health , Dental caries, Periodontitis


Recent research investigating the impact of vaping on the oral microbiome reveals significant consequences for oral health. The scientific literature highlights that vaping induces notable changes in the composition of oral bacteria. This alteration favors the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria associated with gingival disease while concurrently diminishing the concentration of beneficial bacteria crucial for maintaining oral health. The resultant disruption in the delicate balance of the oral microbiome creates a conducive environment for the development of various oral health problems. Among these consequences are an increased risk of dental caries, increased susceptibility to periodontitis, and an elevated likelihood of developing oral lesions and cancer. Understanding the complicated mechanisms through which vaping exerts these effects on oral bacteria is imperative. Such insights can inform the development of targeted and effective strategies aimed at promoting oral health and, critically, preventing vaping-related oral diseases. As the prevalence of vaping continues to rise, prioritizing research in this area becomes paramount for preserving overall oral well-being.



How to Cite

Afsheen Maqsood, Mirza, D. ., Ashraf, S. ., & Jahan, S. (2023). The Impact of Vaping on the Oral Microbiome: A Comprehensive Review of Bacterial Effects. ALTAMASH JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY AND MEDICINE, 2(2), 78–84. Retrieved from