The Effectiveness of Mirror Therapy on Lower Extremity Motor Function among Stroke Patients: A review


  • Sameer AL-Mhanna school of medical science/ physiology department
  • Hafeez Afolabi 2. Department of General Surgery, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian 16150, Kelantan, Malaysia
  • Abdulrahman Sheikh 3. National Public Health Reference Laboratory, Ministry of Health, Mogadishu, Somalia
  • Ahmed A. Mohamed Faculty of Medicine, Somali National University.
  • Abdirizak Yusuf Ahmed Demartino Hospital, Ministry of health, Mogadishu – Somalia.
  • Mohamed Mohamud Abdulle Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Health science, Somali International University, Mogadishu Somalia
  • Sahra Isse Mohamed National Public Health Reference Laboratory, Ministry of Health, Mogadishu, Somalia
  • Mohamed Hassan Mohamed Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Health science, Somali International University, Mogadishu Somalia
  • Abdirahman Hassan Mohamed


Stroke, Exercise and Mirror therapy, Stroke, Exercise , Mirror therapy, Motor Function, Stroke Patients, Motor Function among Stroke Patients



Objective: Lower-extremity motor (LEMF) function is considerably reduced following stroke, resulting in functional mobility limitations. Exercise is typically used in the weeks after a stroke for people with hemiparesis. This review aimed to investigate the effect of mirror therapy (MT) on LEMF in stroke patients.

Materials and Methods: The papers in this review were chosen by two authors (S.B. and H.A.) independently to identify the available data and to evaluate thoroughly between 2007 and 2020.

Results: In this review, eight papers were identified based on the pre-determined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results of the study revealed that MT significantly improved LEMF and recovery. The improvement in mobility in subacute stroke patients is more prominent, particularly enhanced walking speed and LEMF in stroke patients.

Conclusion: When compared to Cg in the stroke patient, MT was demonstrated to be a beneficial and risk-free intervention for improving walking velocity, balance capacity, motor function, and passive range of motion (PROM) for ankle dorsiflexion, and step length.


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How to Cite

AL-Mhanna, S., Afolabi , H. ., Sheikh, A. ., Mohamed , A. A., Ahmed, A. Y. ., Abdulle, M. M. ., Mohamed, S. I. ., Mohamed, M. H. ., & Mohamed, A. H. . (2022). The Effectiveness of Mirror Therapy on Lower Extremity Motor Function among Stroke Patients: A review. ALTAMASH JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY AND MEDICINE, 1(1), 1–8. Retrieved from



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