Evaluation of Knowledge and Perception of Dentists regarding E-Health System
Electronic Health Record, Implementation, Seminar, TeledentistryAbstract
Objective: Across the world, utilization of electronic patient record systems constantly increasing in many health sectors. The development of new information technology and its implementation have beneficial effects on the healthcare system. However, there are some hurdles regarding this transition. The main objective of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitude of dentists towards teledentistry in Karachi.
Materials and Methods: Data for this cross-sectional study was collected through the self-designed questionnaire. The study sample (n=201) number of participants was selected, based on random sampling method, making sure the candidates fitted inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria consisted of dental practitioners who was actively practicing and residing in different areas of Karachi. Numerous variables like demographic data, opinion and knowledge were included in the questionnaire to analyse respective effect on the knowledge of E-health systems. SPSS version 25 used to execute descriptive analysis on the following variables.
Results: Majority (66%) of the dentists agreed having the knowledge regarding E-health system which can be implemented in treatment planning and maintaining patient records. Implementation is difficult due to financial factors and lack of availability in dental practices. Predominantly, most participants (73%) favoured adopting electronic system over ageing paper-based record keeping.
Conclusion: Majority of dentists favoured switching to E-health experience but due to financial burden and lack of resources, implementation in dental practices in Karachi seems difficult. There is a small minority of participants lacking knowledge of systems leading to difficulties in operation during clinical practice.
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