Child Labor and Child Discipline its Reasons and Associated Health Effects in Sindh Pakistan


  • Sehrish Karim Department of Public Health, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Hajra Khwaja Department of Public Health, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Nurose Karim EUC Health Medical Center, Stantosbury Rd. Green Ville NC, USA


Selected: Child Labor, Child Discipline, Health Effects, Legal Contex


Child labor and child discipline are important public health issues to address, to maintain a child’s physical and mental wellbeing. The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG-8.7) has a special emphasis on ending child labor. As per Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, 2010, several factors such as poverty, social attitudes and large family size as well as low educational rates contributes behind child labor in Pakistan. Several legal context and laws in Sindh are to protect children against child labor. Joint efforts from parents, children and teachers can be an effective tool in improving children’s life skills, knowledge thereby strengthening school attendance and ending child labor in Sindh, Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Karim, S. K., Khwaja, H., & Karim , N. . (2022). Child Labor and Child Discipline its Reasons and Associated Health Effects in Sindh Pakistan. ALTAMASH JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY AND MEDICINE, 1(2), 64–69. Retrieved from